Citation: Matley, J.K., Klinard, N.V., Larocque, S.M., McLean, M.F., Brownscombe, J.W., Raby, G.D., Nguyen, V.M., Barbosa Martins, A.P. (2023) Making the most of aquatic animal tracking: a review of complementary methods to bolster acoustic telemetry. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 33, 35-54.
Citation: Drake, A., Dunmall, K.M., Nguyen, V.M., Provencher, J.F., Henri, D.A., Alexander, S.M. (2023). Bridging Indigenous and Western sciences: Decision points guiding aquatic research and monitoring in Inuit Nunangat. Conservation Science and Practice. CSP2-22-0238.R1
Allison Drake, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Westwood, A., Hutchen, J., Kapoor, T., Klenk, K., Saturno, J., Antwi, E. K., Egunyu, F., Cortini, F., Robertson, M., Le Noble, S., Wang, J., Falconer, M., & Nguyen, V. M. (2023). A systematic map of knowledge exchange across the science-policy interface for forest science: How can we improve consistency and effectiveness? Eco Solut Evi, 4(1):
Jenna Hutchen, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Michaels, S., Nyboer, E.A., Schiller, L., Littlechild, D.B., Hanna, D.E., Robichaud, C.D., Murdoch, A., Roche, D., Soroye, P., Vermaire, J.C. Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Provencher, J.F., Smith, P.A., Mitchell, G.W., Avery-Gomm, S., Davy, C.M., Buxton, R.T., Rytwi9nski, T., Fahrig, L., Bennet, J.R., Auld, G. 2023. Reconceptualizing Conservation. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 1(5): e0000016
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke,
Citation: Drake, A.K., Perkovic, A., Reeve, C., Alexander, S.M., Nguyen, V.M., Dunmall, K.M. (2022). Community participation in coastal and marine research and monitoring in Inuit Nunangat: A scoping literature review. FACETS 7: 891-911
Allison Drake, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Beaudoin, C., Joncoux, S., Jasmin, J-F., Berberi, A., McPhee, C., Schillo, S.R., Nguyen, V.M. (2022). A research agenda for evaluating living labs as an open innovation model for environmental and agricultural sustainability. Environmental Challenges 7:100505
Albana Berberi, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Reid, J.L., Bergman, J.N., Kadykalo, A.N., Taylor, J.J., Twardek, W.M, Rytwinski, T., Chhor, A.D., Frempong-Manso, A., Martel, A.L., Lapointe, N.W.R., Bennett, J.R., Nguyen, V.M., Reid, A.J., Marty, J., Robinson, S.A., Drake, D.A.R., Winegardner, A.K., Gregory-Eaves, I., Taylor, M.K., Smol. J.P., Creed, I.F., O’Connor, C.M., Cooke, S.J. (2022) Developing a National Level Evidence-Based Toolbox for Addressing Freshwater Biodiversity Threats. Biological Conservation 269: 109533
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke,
Citation: 27. Jacaban, E., Rytwinski, T., Taylor, J.J., Young, N., Nguyen, V.M., Cooke, S.J. (2022) Do environmental systematic reviews impact policy and practice? Author perspectives on the application of their work. Environmental Science and Policy 129: 159-167
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke,
Citation: Cooke, S.J., A.L. Jeanson, I. Bishop, B.A. Bryan, C. Chen, C. Cvitanovic, Y. Fen, J. Forester, C. Fürst, J. Hu, D. La Rosa, C. Meurk, V.M. Nguyen, M. Paolisso, Y. Qi, F.K.S. Chun, K. Szetey, X. Wang, Y. Wang, C.L. Archibald and N. Young. 2021. On the theory-practice gap in the environmental realm: Perspectives from and for diverse environmental professionals. Socio-Ecological Practice Research. 3:243-255.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Bell, C., Berseth, V., Cvitanovic, C., Darwent, R., Falconer, M., Hutchen, J., Kapoor, T., Klenk, N., & Young, N. (2021). Promises and pitfalls of digital knowledge exchange resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Social-Ecological Practice Research, 3(4), 427–439.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Valerie Berseth, Jenna Hutchen, Tyreen Kapoor, Dr. Nathan Young
56. Fisheries knowledge exchange and mobilization through a network of policy and practice actors
2021Citation: Andrachuk, M.A., Kadykalo, A.N., Cooke, S.J., Young, N., & Nguyen, V.M. (2021). Fisheries knowledge exchange and mobilization through a network of policy and practice actors. Environmental Science and Policy, 125, 157–166.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Guay, J.D., Brooks, J.L., Chapman, J.M., Medd, H., Cooke, S.J., & Nguyen, V.M. (2021). Survey-derived angler characteristics and perspectives in the shore-based shark fishery in Florida. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 3(6), 693–711.
Jessika Guay, Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Roche, D.G., O’Dea, R.E., Kerr, K.A., Rytwinski, T., Schuster, R., Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Bennett, J.R., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Closing the knowledge-action gap in conservation with open science. Conservation Biology, 10.1111/cobi.13835.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Reyes, S.R., Nguyen, V.M., Schott, S. Berseth, V., Hutchen, J., Taylor, J., & Klenk, N. (2021). A research agenda for affective dimensions in climate change risk perception and risk communication. Frontiers in Climate, 3, 751310.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Stephan Schott, Valerie Berseth, Jenna Hutchen
Citation: Nyboer, E., Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Rytwinski, T., Taylor, J.J., Lane, J.F., Bennett, J.R., Harron, N., Aitken, S.M., Auld, G., Browne, D., Jacob, A., Prior, K., Smith, P.A., Smokorowski, K.E., Alexander, S., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Supporting actionable science for environmental policy: Advice for funding agencies from decision-makers. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, 693129.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Westwood, A.R., Hutchen, J., Kapoor, T., Klenk, K., Saturno, J., Wang, J., Falconer, M, & Nguyen, V.M. (2021). A systematic mapping protocol for understanding knowledge exchange in forest science. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2(3).
Jenna Hutchen, Tyreen Kapoor, Kimberly Klenk, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Twardek, W.M., Nyboer, E.A., Tickner, D., O’Connor, C.M., Lapointe, N.W.R., Taylor, M.K., Nguyen, V.M., Winegardner, A.K., Bergman, J.N., Taylor, J.J., Rytwinski, T., Martel, A.L., Drake, A.R., Robinson, S.A., Marty, J., Bennett, J.R., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Mobilizing practitioners to support the Emergency Recovery Plan for freshwater biodiversity. Conservation Science and Practice, (8).
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Allison Drake, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Madliger, C.L., Love, O.P., Nguyen, V.M., Haddaway, N.R., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Researcher perspectives on challenges and opportunities in conservation physiology revealed from an online survey. Conservation Physiology, 9(1).
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Howarth, A., Jeanson, A.L., Abrams, A.E.I., Beaudoin, C., Mistry, I., Berberi, A., Young, N., Nguyen, V.M., Landsman, S.J., Kadylako, A.N., Danylchuk, A.J., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). COVID-19 restrictions and recreational fisheries in Ontario, Canada: Preliminary insights from an online angler survey. Fisheries Research, 240, 105961.
Andrew Howarth, Christine Beaudoin, Albana Berberi, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
47. An optimistic outlook on the use of evidence syntheses to inform environmental decision-making
2021Citation: Thomas-Walters, L., Nyboer, E.A., Taylor, J.J., Rytwinski, T., Lane, J.F., Young, N., Bennett, J.R., Nguyen, V.M., Harron, N., Aitken, S.M., Auld, G., Browne, D., Jacob, A.L., Prior, K., Smith, P.A., Smokorowski, K.E., Alexander, S.M., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). An optimistic outlook on the use of evidence syntheses to inform environmental decision-making. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(6).
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Bronson, K., Devkota, R., & Nguyen, V.M. (2021). Moving toward Generalizability? A scoping review on measuring the impact of Living Labs. Sustainability, 13(2), 502.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Gaden, M., Brant, C., Stedman, R.C., Cooke, S.J., Lauber, T.B., Nguyen, V.M., Connelly, N.A., & Knuth, B. (2021). Shifting baselines and social license to operate: Challenges in communicating sea lamprey control. Journal of Great Lakes Research: Supplement 1, 47, 808.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Delle Palme, C., Pentz, B., Vandergoot, C.S., Krueger, C.C., Young, N., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Overcoming barriers to transfer of scientific knowledge: integrating biotelemetry into fisheries management in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 3(1), 17–36.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Nguyen, V.M., Chapman, J.M., Reid, A.J., Landsman, S.J., Young, N., Hinch S.G., Schott, S., Mandrak, N., & Semeniuk, C.A.D. (2021). Knowledge co-production: A pathway to effective fisheries management, conservation, and governance. Fisheries, 46(2), 89–97.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Stephan Schott
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Rytwinski, T., Taylor, J.J., Nyober, E., Nguyen, V.M., Bennet, J.R., Young, N., Aitken, S., Auld, G., Lane, J-F., Prior, K., Smokorowski, K.E., Smith, P.A., Jacob, A., Browne, D., Blais, J.M., Kerr, J.T., Ormeci, B., Alexander, S.M., Burn, C.R., Buxton, R.T., Oriheli,, D.M., Vermaire, J., Murray, D.L., Simon, P., Edwards, K., Clarke, J., Xenopoulos, M.A., Gregory-Eaves, I., Bennett, E.M., & Smol, J. (2020). On “success” in applied environmental research – what is it, how can it be achieved, and how does one know it has been achieved? Environmental Reviews, 28(4), 357-372.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young
Citation: Larocque, S.M., Lake, C., Midwood, J.D., Nguyen, V.M., Blouin-Demers, G., & Cooke, S.J. (2020). Freshwater turtle bycatch research supports science-based fisheries management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30(9), 1783–1790.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Lennox, R.J., Bennett, J.R., Davies, A., Ford, A.T., Frey, R.M., Harcourt, R., Hayward, M.W., Hussey, N.E., Iverson, S.J., Kays, R., Kessel, S.T., Nguyen, V.M., Muelbert, M., Murray, T.S., Roche, D.G., Whoriskey, F.G., Young, N., & Cooke, S.J. (2020). A novel framework to protect animal data in a world of eco-surveillance. BioScience 70(6), 468-476.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Cooke, S. J., Nguyen, V. M., Anastakis, D., Scott, S. D., Turetsky, M. R., Amirfazli, A., Hearn, A., Milton, C. E., Loewen, L., Smith, E. E., Norris, D. R., Lavoie, K. L., Aiken, A., Ansari, D., Antle, A. N., Babel, M., Bailey, J., Bernstein, D. M., Birnbaum, R., … & Blais, J. M. (2020). Diverse perspectives on interdisciplinarity from members of the college of the royal society of canada. Facets, 5(1), 138–165.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Young, N., Cooke, S.J., Hinch, S.G., DiGiovanni, C., Corriveau, M., Fortin, S., Nguyen, V.M., & Ann-Magnhild, S. (2020). “Consulted to death”: Personal stress as a major barrier to environmental co-management. Journal of Environmental Management 254.
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Congrats to our lab member Sarah Lavallée on her new paper from her undergrad honours thesis, Am I welcome in this space? A case study on cultural ecosystem services provided by rural greenspace and their implications for social cohesion & equity in Nova Scotia in the Journal of Rural and Community Development!

We are excited to welcome Sarah to the lab as an MA in Geography where she will be working on our Provisioning Fisheries Project!
Citation: Matley, J.K., Klinard, N.V., Larocque, S.M., McLean, M.F., Brownscombe, J.W., Raby, G.D., Nguyen, V.M., Barbosa Martins, A.P. (2023) Making the most of aquatic animal tracking: a review of complementary methods to bolster acoustic telemetry. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 33, 35-54.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Drake, A., Dunmall, K.M., Nguyen, V.M., Provencher, J.F., Henri, D.A., Alexander, S.M. (2023). Bridging Indigenous and Western sciences: Decision points guiding aquatic research and monitoring in Inuit Nunangat. Conservation Science and Practice. CSP2-22-0238.R1
Allison Drake, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Westwood, A., Hutchen, J., Kapoor, T., Klenk, K., Saturno, J., Antwi, E. K., Egunyu, F., Cortini, F., Robertson, M., Le Noble, S., Wang, J., Falconer, M., & Nguyen, V. M. (2023). A systematic map of knowledge exchange across the science-policy interface for forest science: How can we improve consistency and effectiveness? Eco Solut Evi, 4(1):
Jenna Hutchen, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Michaels, S., Nyboer, E.A., Schiller, L., Littlechild, D.B., Hanna, D.E., Robichaud, C.D., Murdoch, A., Roche, D., Soroye, P., Vermaire, J.C. Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Provencher, J.F., Smith, P.A., Mitchell, G.W., Avery-Gomm, S., Davy, C.M., Buxton, R.T., Rytwi9nski, T., Fahrig, L., Bennet, J.R., Auld, G. 2023. Reconceptualizing Conservation. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 1(5): e0000016
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke,
Citation: Drake, A.K., Perkovic, A., Reeve, C., Alexander, S.M., Nguyen, V.M., Dunmall, K.M. (2022). Community participation in coastal and marine research and monitoring in Inuit Nunangat: A scoping literature review. FACETS 7: 891-911
Allison Drake, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Beaudoin, C., Joncoux, S., Jasmin, J-F., Berberi, A., McPhee, C., Schillo, S.R., Nguyen, V.M. (2022). A research agenda for evaluating living labs as an open innovation model for environmental and agricultural sustainability. Environmental Challenges 7:100505
Albana Berberi, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Reid, J.L., Bergman, J.N., Kadykalo, A.N., Taylor, J.J., Twardek, W.M, Rytwinski, T., Chhor, A.D., Frempong-Manso, A., Martel, A.L., Lapointe, N.W.R., Bennett, J.R., Nguyen, V.M., Reid, A.J., Marty, J., Robinson, S.A., Drake, D.A.R., Winegardner, A.K., Gregory-Eaves, I., Taylor, M.K., Smol. J.P., Creed, I.F., O’Connor, C.M., Cooke, S.J. (2022) Developing a National Level Evidence-Based Toolbox for Addressing Freshwater Biodiversity Threats. Biological Conservation 269: 109533
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke,
Citation: 27. Jacaban, E., Rytwinski, T., Taylor, J.J., Young, N., Nguyen, V.M., Cooke, S.J. (2022) Do environmental systematic reviews impact policy and practice? Author perspectives on the application of their work. Environmental Science and Policy 129: 159-167
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke,
Citation: Cooke, S.J., A.L. Jeanson, I. Bishop, B.A. Bryan, C. Chen, C. Cvitanovic, Y. Fen, J. Forester, C. Fürst, J. Hu, D. La Rosa, C. Meurk, V.M. Nguyen, M. Paolisso, Y. Qi, F.K.S. Chun, K. Szetey, X. Wang, Y. Wang, C.L. Archibald and N. Young. 2021. On the theory-practice gap in the environmental realm: Perspectives from and for diverse environmental professionals. Socio-Ecological Practice Research. 3:243-255.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Bell, C., Berseth, V., Cvitanovic, C., Darwent, R., Falconer, M., Hutchen, J., Kapoor, T., Klenk, N., & Young, N. (2021). Promises and pitfalls of digital knowledge exchange resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Social-Ecological Practice Research, 3(4), 427–439.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Valerie Berseth, Jenna Hutchen, Tyreen Kapoor, Dr. Nathan Young
56. Fisheries knowledge exchange and mobilization through a network of policy and practice actors
2021Citation: Andrachuk, M.A., Kadykalo, A.N., Cooke, S.J., Young, N., & Nguyen, V.M. (2021). Fisheries knowledge exchange and mobilization through a network of policy and practice actors. Environmental Science and Policy, 125, 157–166.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Guay, J.D., Brooks, J.L., Chapman, J.M., Medd, H., Cooke, S.J., & Nguyen, V.M. (2021). Survey-derived angler characteristics and perspectives in the shore-based shark fishery in Florida. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 3(6), 693–711.
Jessika Guay, Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Roche, D.G., O’Dea, R.E., Kerr, K.A., Rytwinski, T., Schuster, R., Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Bennett, J.R., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Closing the knowledge-action gap in conservation with open science. Conservation Biology, 10.1111/cobi.13835.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Reyes, S.R., Nguyen, V.M., Schott, S. Berseth, V., Hutchen, J., Taylor, J., & Klenk, N. (2021). A research agenda for affective dimensions in climate change risk perception and risk communication. Frontiers in Climate, 3, 751310.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Stephan Schott, Valerie Berseth, Jenna Hutchen
Citation: Nyboer, E., Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Rytwinski, T., Taylor, J.J., Lane, J.F., Bennett, J.R., Harron, N., Aitken, S.M., Auld, G., Browne, D., Jacob, A., Prior, K., Smith, P.A., Smokorowski, K.E., Alexander, S., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Supporting actionable science for environmental policy: Advice for funding agencies from decision-makers. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 2, 693129.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Westwood, A.R., Hutchen, J., Kapoor, T., Klenk, K., Saturno, J., Wang, J., Falconer, M, & Nguyen, V.M. (2021). A systematic mapping protocol for understanding knowledge exchange in forest science. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2(3).
Jenna Hutchen, Tyreen Kapoor, Kimberly Klenk, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Twardek, W.M., Nyboer, E.A., Tickner, D., O’Connor, C.M., Lapointe, N.W.R., Taylor, M.K., Nguyen, V.M., Winegardner, A.K., Bergman, J.N., Taylor, J.J., Rytwinski, T., Martel, A.L., Drake, A.R., Robinson, S.A., Marty, J., Bennett, J.R., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Mobilizing practitioners to support the Emergency Recovery Plan for freshwater biodiversity. Conservation Science and Practice, (8).
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Allison Drake, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Madliger, C.L., Love, O.P., Nguyen, V.M., Haddaway, N.R., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Researcher perspectives on challenges and opportunities in conservation physiology revealed from an online survey. Conservation Physiology, 9(1).
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Howarth, A., Jeanson, A.L., Abrams, A.E.I., Beaudoin, C., Mistry, I., Berberi, A., Young, N., Nguyen, V.M., Landsman, S.J., Kadylako, A.N., Danylchuk, A.J., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). COVID-19 restrictions and recreational fisheries in Ontario, Canada: Preliminary insights from an online angler survey. Fisheries Research, 240, 105961.
Andrew Howarth, Christine Beaudoin, Albana Berberi, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
47. An optimistic outlook on the use of evidence syntheses to inform environmental decision-making
2021Citation: Thomas-Walters, L., Nyboer, E.A., Taylor, J.J., Rytwinski, T., Lane, J.F., Young, N., Bennett, J.R., Nguyen, V.M., Harron, N., Aitken, S.M., Auld, G., Browne, D., Jacob, A.L., Prior, K., Smith, P.A., Smokorowski, K.E., Alexander, S.M., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). An optimistic outlook on the use of evidence syntheses to inform environmental decision-making. Conservation Science and Practice, 3(6).
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Bronson, K., Devkota, R., & Nguyen, V.M. (2021). Moving toward Generalizability? A scoping review on measuring the impact of Living Labs. Sustainability, 13(2), 502.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Gaden, M., Brant, C., Stedman, R.C., Cooke, S.J., Lauber, T.B., Nguyen, V.M., Connelly, N.A., & Knuth, B. (2021). Shifting baselines and social license to operate: Challenges in communicating sea lamprey control. Journal of Great Lakes Research: Supplement 1, 47, 808.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Delle Palme, C., Pentz, B., Vandergoot, C.S., Krueger, C.C., Young, N., & Cooke, S.J. (2021). Overcoming barriers to transfer of scientific knowledge: integrating biotelemetry into fisheries management in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Socio-Ecological Practice Research, 3(1), 17–36.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Nguyen, V.M., Chapman, J.M., Reid, A.J., Landsman, S.J., Young, N., Hinch S.G., Schott, S., Mandrak, N., & Semeniuk, C.A.D. (2021). Knowledge co-production: A pathway to effective fisheries management, conservation, and governance. Fisheries, 46(2), 89–97.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Stephan Schott
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Rytwinski, T., Taylor, J.J., Nyober, E., Nguyen, V.M., Bennet, J.R., Young, N., Aitken, S., Auld, G., Lane, J-F., Prior, K., Smokorowski, K.E., Smith, P.A., Jacob, A., Browne, D., Blais, J.M., Kerr, J.T., Ormeci, B., Alexander, S.M., Burn, C.R., Buxton, R.T., Oriheli,, D.M., Vermaire, J., Murray, D.L., Simon, P., Edwards, K., Clarke, J., Xenopoulos, M.A., Gregory-Eaves, I., Bennett, E.M., & Smol, J. (2020). On “success” in applied environmental research – what is it, how can it be achieved, and how does one know it has been achieved? Environmental Reviews, 28(4), 357-372.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young
Citation: Larocque, S.M., Lake, C., Midwood, J.D., Nguyen, V.M., Blouin-Demers, G., & Cooke, S.J. (2020). Freshwater turtle bycatch research supports science-based fisheries management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 30(9), 1783–1790.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Lennox, R.J., Bennett, J.R., Davies, A., Ford, A.T., Frey, R.M., Harcourt, R., Hayward, M.W., Hussey, N.E., Iverson, S.J., Kays, R., Kessel, S.T., Nguyen, V.M., Muelbert, M., Murray, T.S., Roche, D.G., Whoriskey, F.G., Young, N., & Cooke, S.J. (2020). A novel framework to protect animal data in a world of eco-surveillance. BioScience 70(6), 468-476.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Cooke, S. J., Nguyen, V. M., Anastakis, D., Scott, S. D., Turetsky, M. R., Amirfazli, A., Hearn, A., Milton, C. E., Loewen, L., Smith, E. E., Norris, D. R., Lavoie, K. L., Aiken, A., Ansari, D., Antle, A. N., Babel, M., Bailey, J., Bernstein, D. M., Birnbaum, R., … & Blais, J. M. (2020). Diverse perspectives on interdisciplinarity from members of the college of the royal society of canada. Facets, 5(1), 138–165.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Young, N., Cooke, S.J., Hinch, S.G., DiGiovanni, C., Corriveau, M., Fortin, S., Nguyen, V.M., & Ann-Magnhild, S. (2020). “Consulted to death”: Personal stress as a major barrier to environmental co-management. Journal of Environmental Management 254.
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Brownscombe, J., Ledee, E., Raby, G., Struthers, D., Gutowsky, L., Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Stokesbury, M., Holbrook, C., Brenden, T., Vandergroot, C., Murchie, K., Whoriskey, K., Mills-Flemming, J., Kessel, S.T., Krueger, C., & Cooke, S.J. (2019). Conducting and interpreting fish telemetry studies: considerations for researchers and resource managers. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 29(2), 369-400.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke,
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Brownscombe, J.W., & Cooke, S.J. (2019). Collaboration and engagement produce more actionable science: quantitatively analyzing uptake of fish tracking studies. Ecological Applications 29(6).
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke,
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Corriveau, M., Hinch, S.G., & Cooke, S.J. (2019). What is ‘usable’ knowledge? Perceived barriers for integrating new knowledge into fisheries management of an iconic Canadian fishery. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 76(3), 463–474.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke,
Citation: Brooks, J.L., Chapman, J.M., Barkley, A.N., Kessel, S.T., Hussey, N.E., Hinch, S.G., Patterson, D.A., Hedges, K.J., Cooke, S.J., Fisk, A.T., Gruber, S.H., & Nguyen, V.M. (2019). Biotelemetry informing management: case studies exploring successful integration of biotelemetry data into fisheries and habitat management. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 76(7), 1238–1252.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., & Cooke, S.J. (2018). Applying a knowledge-action framework for navigating barriers to incorporating telemetry science into fisheries management and conservation: a qualitative study. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75(10), 1733–1743.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Young, N., Corriveau, M., Nguyen, V.M., Cooke, S.J., & Hinch, S.G. (2018). Embracing disruptive new science? Biotelemetry meets co-management in Canada’s Fraser River. Fisheries, 43(1), 51–60.
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Lennox R.J., Aarestrup K., Cooke S.J., Cowley P.D., Deng Z.D., Fisk A.T., Harcourt R.G., Heupel M., Hinch S.G., Holland K.N., Hussey N.E., Iverson S.J., Kessel S.T., Kocik J.F., Lucas M.C., Mills Flemming J., Nguyen V.M., Stokesbury M.J.W., Vagle S., VanderZwaag D.L., Whoriskey F.G., & Young N. (2017). Envisioning the future of aquatic animal tracking: Technology, science, and application. BioScience, 67(10), 884-896.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young
Citation: Crossin, G.T., Heupel, M., Holbrook, C.M., Hussey, N., Lowerre-Barbieri, S., Nguyen, V.M., Raby, G.D., & Cooke, S.J. (2017). Acoustic telemetry and fisheries management. Ecological Applications, 27(4), 1031–1049.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Nguyen, V.M., Kessel, S.T., Hussey, N.E., & Ford, A.T. (2017). Troubling issues at the frontier of animal tracking for conservation and management. Conservation Biology, 31(5), 1205–1207.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Gallagher, A.J., Sopinka, N.M., Nguyen, V.M., Skubel, R.A., Hammerschlag, N., Boon, S., Young, N., & Danylchuk, A.J. (2017). Considerations for effective science communications. Facets, 2, 233-248.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., & Cooke, S.J. (2017). A roadmap for knowledge exchange and mobilization research in conservation and natural resource management. Conservation Biology, 31(4), 789–798.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Nguyen V.M., Brooks, J., Young, N., Lennox, R., Haddaway, N., Whoriskey, F., Harcourt, R., & Cooke, S.J. (2017). To share or not to share in the emerging era of big data: Perspectives from fish telemetry researchers on data sharing. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 74(8), 1260–1274.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Delle Palme, C.A., Nguyen, V.M., Gutowksy, L.F.G., & Cooke, S.J. (2016). Do fishing education programs effectively transfer ‘catch-and-release’ best practices to youth anglers yielding measurable improvements in fish condition and survival? Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 417, 42.
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Young, N., Nguyen, V.M., Corriveau, M.A., Cooke, S.J., & Hinch, S.G. (2016). How do potential knowledge users perceive and evaluate new claims about a contested resource? The problem of different expectations in knowledge exchange and mobilization. Journal of Environmental Management, 184(Pt 2), 380–388.
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Allison, E.H., Beard, T.D., Arlinghaus, R., Arthington, A.H., Bartley, D.M., Cowx, I.G., Fuentevilla, C., Leonard, N.J., Lorenzen, K., Lynch, A.J., Nguyen, V.M., Youn, S.-J., Taylor, W.W., & Welcomme, R.L. (2016). On the sustainability of inland fisheries: Finding a future for the forgotten. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment, 45(7), 753–764.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Young, N., Nguyen, V.M., Corriveau, M.A., Cooke, S.J., & Hinch, S.G. (2016). Knowledge users’ perspectives and advice on how to improve knowledge exchange and mobilization in the case of a contested fishery. Environmental Science & Policy, 66, 170-178.
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Lynch, A.J., Young, N., Cowx, I.G., Beard, T.D., William, T.W., & Cooke, S.J., (2016). To manage inland fisheries is to manage at the social-ecological watershed scale. Journal of Environmental Management, 181, 312–325.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
20. Necessary but challenging: multiple disciplinary approaches to solving conservation problems
2016Citation: Dick, M., Rous, A.M., Nguyen, V.M., & Cooke, S.J. (2016). Necessary but challenging: multiple disciplinary approaches to solving conservation problems. Facets, 1, 67–82.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Hinch, S.G., & Cooke, S.J. (2016). Getting past the blame game: convergence and divergence in perceived threats to salmon resources among anglers and indigenous fishers in Canada’s lower Fraser River. Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment, 45(5), 591–601.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Nguyen, V.M., Wilson, A.D.M., Donaldson, M.R., Gallagher, A., Hammerschlag, N., & Haddaway, N.R. (2016). The need for speed in a crisis discipline: perspectives on peer review duration and implications for conservation science. Endangered Species Research, 30, 11-18.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Lynch, A. J., Cooke, S.J., Deines, A., Bower, S., Bunnel, D.B., Cowx, I.G., Nguyen, V.M., Nonher, J., Phouthavong, K., Riley, B., Rogers, W.D., Taylor, W.W., Wolemer W.M., Youn, S., & Beard, T.D. Jr. (2016). The social, economic, and ecological importance of inland fishes and fisheries. Environmental Reviews, 24(2), 115-121.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Haddaway, N.R., Gutowsky, L.F.G., Wilson, A.D.M., Gallagher, A.J., Donaldson, M.R., Hammerschlag, N., & Cooke, S.J. (2015). How long is too long in contemporary peer review? Perspectives from authors publishing in conservation biology journals. Plos One, 10(8), 0132557.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: McClellan Press K., Mandelman J., Burgess E., Cooke S.J., Nguyen V.M., & Danylchuk A.J. (2015). Catching sharks: recreational saltwater angler behaviours and attitudes regarding shark encounters and conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 26(4), 689-702.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Carlson, A.K., Dunmall, K.M., Boucek, R.E., Coke, N.W., Kerns, J.A., Krogman, R.M., Lloyd, M.C., Nguyen, V.M., Wendt, T.R., White, S.L., & Wilson, K.L. (2015). How to navigate fisheries education and employment. Fisheries, 40(5), 196–197.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Martins, E.G., Robichaud, D., Raby, G.D., Donaldson, M.R., Lotto, A.G., Willmore, W.G., Patterson, D.A., Farrell, A.P, Hinch, S.G., & Cooke, S.J. (2014). Disentangling the roles of air exposure, gil lnet injury, and facilitated recovery on the post-capture and release mortality and behavior of adult migratory sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in freshwater. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 87(1), 125-135.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
12. Bycatch mortality of endangered coho salmon: impacts, solutions, and aboriginal perspectives
2014Citation: Carlson, A.K., Dunmall, K.M., Boucek, R.E., Coke, N.W., Kerns, J.A., Krogman, R.M., Lloyd, M.C., Nguyen, V.M., Wendt, T.R., White, S.L., & Wilson, K.L. (2015). How to navigate fisheries education and employment. Fisheries, 40(5), 196–197.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Larocque, S.M, Stoot, L.J., Cairns, N.A., Blouin-Demers, G., & Cooke, S.J. (2013). Perspectives of fishers on turtle bycatch and conservation strategies in a small-scale inland commercial fyke net fishery. Endangered Species Research, 22(1), 11-22.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Rudd, M.A., Hinch, S.G., & Cooke, S.J. (2013). Recreational anglers’ attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors related to catch-and-release practices of Pacific salmon in British Columbia. Journal of Environmental Management 128, 852-865.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Young, N., Gingras, I., Nguyen, V.M., Cooke, S.J., & Hinch, S.G. (2013). Mobilizing new science into management practice: the challenge of biotelemetry for fisheries management, a case study of Canada’s Fraser River. Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy, 16(4), 331-351.
Dr. Nathan Young, Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Nguyen, V.M., Murchie, K.J., Thiem, J.D., Donaldson, M.R., Hinch, S.G., Brown, R.S., & Fisk, A. (2013). To tag or not to tag: animal welfare, conservation and stakeholder considerations in fish tracking studies that use electronic tags. Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy, 16(4), 352-374.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Donaldson, M.R., Raby, G.D., Nguyen, V.M., Hinch, S.G., Patterson, D.A., Farrell, A.P., Rudd, M.A., Thompson, L.A., O’Connor, C.M., Colotelo, A.H., McConnachie, S.H., Cook, K.V., Robichaud, D., English, K.K., & Cooke, S.J. (2013). Evaluation of a simple technique for recovering Pacific salmon from capture stress: integrating comparative physiology, biotelemetry, and social science to solve a conservation problem. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 70(1), 90-100.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Cooke, S.J., Nguyen, V.M, Murchie, K.J., Danylchuk, A.J., & Suski, C.D. (2013). Scientific and stakeholder perspectives on the use of circle hooks in recreational fisheries. Bulletin of Marine Science, 88(3), 395-410.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
5. Aboriginal fisher perspectives on use of biotelemetry technology to study adult pacific salmon
2012Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Raby, G.D., Hinch, S.G., & Cooke, S.J. (2012). Aboriginal fisher perspectives on use of biotelemetry technology to study adult pacific salmon. Aquatic Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystem, 406, 08.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Rudd, M.A., Hinch, S.G., & Cooke, S.J. (2012). Differences in information use and preferences among recreational salmon anglers: implications for management initiatives to promote responsible fishing. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 17(4), 248-256.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Landsman, S.J., Nguyen, V.M., Gutowsky, L.F.G., Gobin, J., Cook, K.V., Binder, T.R., Lower, N., R.L. McLaughlin, R.L., & Cooke, S.J. (2011). Fish movement and migration studies in the Laurentian Great Lakes: Research trends and knowledge gaps. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 37(2), 365-379.
Dr. Vivian Nguyen, Dr. Steven Cooke
Citation: Rudd, M. A., Beazley, K. F., Cooke, S. J., Fleishman, E., Lane, D. E., Mascia, M. B., Roth, R., Tabor, G., Bakker, J. A., Bellefontaine, T., Berteaux, D., Cantin, B., Chaulk, K. G., Cunningham, K., Dobell, R., Fast, E., Ferrara, N., Findlay, C. S., Hallstrom, L. K., Hammond, T., Hermanutz, L., Hutchings, J.A., Lindsay, K.E., Marta, T.J., Nguyen, V.M., … & Veilleux, J.-P. (2011). Generation of priority research questions to inform conservation policy and management at a national level. Conservation Biology, 25(3), 476-484.
Dr. Steven Cooke, Dr. Vivian Nguyen
Citation: Nguyen, V.M., Gravel, M.A., Mapleston, A., Hanson, K.C., & Cooke, S.J. (2009). The post-release behaviour and fate of tournament-caught smallmouth bass after ‘fizzing’ to alleviate distended swim bladders. Fisheries Research, 96, 313-318.