Careleton University Post Doctoral Fellow Kyle Plotsky

Kyle Plotsky

Post-Doctoral Fellow

February 2024 – present

I am an interdisciplinary researcher who works with stakeholder and rightsholder communities across western Canada to increase the inclusion of Indigenous perspectives and stewardship in conservation. I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow working with Dr. Nguyen on the TRIA-FoR (Transformative Risk Assessment and Forest Resilience) project to increase the inclusion of local rightsholders in the management of Mountain Pine Beetles and the landscape more broadly. After completing my PhD in Geography, I worked on the socioeconomics of managing zoonotic diseases in wood bison while a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Calgary. I am continuing my work on the people component of bison health through a collaboration with researchers at Environment and Climate Change Canada.
