Sept 2020 – present
am a PhD student interested in the process of knowledge exchange between scientists, decision-makers, and end-users. My research is co-supervised by Dr Vivian Nguyen and Dr Chantel Vis. I hold a M.Sc in Biology from the University of British Columbia (2017) where I studied the impact of forest fires on snowshoe hares. Before that I obtained my B.Sc in Biology (2014) from Simon Fraser University. Before coming back to complete my doctoral degree, I had worked for a number of years in STEM education, outreach, and communication.
64. A systematic map of knowledge exchange across the science-policy interface for forest science: How can we improve consistency and effectiveness?
57. Promises and pitfalls of digital knowledge exchange resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic
53. A research agenda for affective dimensions in climate change risk perception and risk communication